
Anomaly Detection Framework is extensible by a plugin system. Plugin files must be placed in $ANOMDEC_HOME/plugins and are supported by the configuration parser of anomdec.yml file.


To create a plugin you will need to implement the class Plugin. You can implement any core-around component, so you can extend functionality as much as you want.

class Plugin(object):

    name = None
    # A class in a list derived from BaseConsumerBuilder
    stream_consumer_builders = []
    # A class in a list derived from BaseStreamConsumer
    stream_consumers = []
    # A class in a list derived from BaseProducerBuilder
    stream_producer_builders = []
    # A class in a list derived from BaseStreamProducer
    stream_producers = []
    # A class in a list derived from BaseEngineBuilder
    engine_builders = []
    # A class in a list derived from BaseEngine
    engines = []
    # A class in a list derived from BaseRepositoryBuilder
    repository_builders = []
    # A class in a list derived from BaseRepository
    repositories = []
    # A class in a list derived from BaseMessageHandler
    message_handlers = []


Image you want to implement a new source, so you need to implement the Builder BaseConsumerBuilder and the Consumer BaseStreamConsumer. This consumer will read messages from a socket.

from anomalydetection.backend.core.plugins import Plugin

# Needs to be implemented
class SocketConsumer(BaseStreamConsumer):

    def __init__(self, hostname, port):

# This builder is fully implemented, note that the attrs has its own
# setter in the form of ``set_<attrname>``
class SocketConsumerBuilder(BaseConsumerBuilder):

    def __init__(self, hostname, port):

    def set_hostname(self, hostname):
        self.hostname = str(hostname)
        return self

    def set_port(self, port):
        self.port = int(port)
        return self

    def build():
        return SocketConsumer(**vars(self).copy())

class SocketsPlugin(Plugin):
    name = "socket"
    stream_consumer_builders = [SocketConsumerBuilder]
    stream_consumers = [SocketConsumer]

Use in anomdec.yml

The plugin system is fully supported by config parser using the plugin name in type sections. And params to the builder are also supported by params sections. Here is an example anomdec.yml file using this plugin.

version: 1


  - name: test
      type: socket
        hostname: localhost
        port: 8080